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Skincare & Fitness: Should You Cleanse Before a Workout?

Skincare & Fitness: Should You Cleanse Before a Workout?

It's a lifelong question we are all dying to know the answer to: Do you apply skincare pre or post-workout?🤷‍♀️ After spending countless hours on the web to further our research, we can see that this is a polarizing debate online. 

There isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to skincare - This we know. So, it's only fitting that the answer to this dividing question is that it depends. However, this time, the determining factor isn't about your skin type or your sensitivity level but when you intend on working out. What is the extremity of your workout sesh and how much sweating do you anticipate doing? There's a little more to it so let's get right into how you can determine whether your skincare regimen should happen before or after your workout.

AM Workouts

If you're a morning bird and enjoy an AM workout, listen up: There's no need to apply your skincare prior to your workout session. In fact, chances are that you'll sweat it all off anyway. The heat from getting your blood pumping will end up melting away your precious skincare, not giving it enough contact time to do its job. The only exception to this rule is with your SPF application, of course. 

If you count your morning exercise as riding your bike to work then go ahead and apply your skincare. It is likely that your sweat level will be significantly lower than an intense full-body workout and you won't end up sweating off all the goodness you've applied. We'd also recommend packing a few Deluxe Samples and a Rejuvenating Mist with you so you can freshen up at your desk. 

PM Workouts 

If you're someone who likes to get their workout done during your lunch hour or later, don't fuss about your skincare regardless of the intensity of your sweat session. You'll end up washing it off before bed just the same, so best to save your routine for later. In fact, pumping up your heart rate can actually improve the efficacy of your skincare products - who knew? 

Another debating topic is whether or not it is a must to cleanse the skin after a workout. While there are many that say you can skip it, we'd recommend the former, especially if you're acne-prone. A general rule of thumb is to cleanse your face or, at the very least, refresh the skin after a workout. This helps keep your pores free from any sweat build-up. 

Which side are you on? Pre or post-workout skincare routine? Let us know in the comments below!


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