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3 Skincare Resolutions for 2021

The end is near! Many of us thought it would never come and yet, here it is. Ten sleeps away. 2020 is officially coming to a close and with it, we're leaving behind months of anxiety and unknowns. While having made it this far is certainly an achievement worth celebrating, what lies ahead may be more significant. In these final moments of 2020, what we choose to put energy into will influence 2021. 

 “Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ― L.M. Montgomery
Skincare may seem like a frivolity in times of uncertainty. However, we like to view it as a constant, a routine with very few risks or surprises at the final step. We apply our favourite potions and lotions and receive expected results. How many instances can you count on to do that in your life?

We understand that not everyone can spend their time thinking about ingredients and formulas the way we do - after all, it is our job! And while we cannot assume everyone has an abundance of free time dedicated towards a skincare regimen, we think we can all try our best to carve out a spare moment for ourselves. 

If you can swing it, all that is needed is 5, 10, 20 minutes a day that is completely committed to recharging your batteries. And in those moments, here are the 3 skincare resolutions we are practicing for 2021.

Morning Routines

How many of our readers found themselves working from home for a much longer than foreseen time-frame? Perhaps there is no end in sight to returning to the office and your boss is postponing the expected ETA with every passing month. Have you noticed how quickly it took to fall off the wagon of your morning routines? Easy things like changing out of your PJs before logging on, waking up 15 minutes earlier to prep for the day or doing any sort of AM skincare routine quickly became unnecessary to function.

By establishing "WFH routines" you can help sett yourself up for a more focused and productive day, signaling to your brain when it's time to work and when it's time to rest. In other words, you're actively working toward improving your mental health by establishing a work/life balance, even in a new reality. This is especially important when there is no sign of returning to your cubicle. 

So, for our first 2021 resolution, we are dedicating more energy to our AM skincare routine. The intricacies may vary from person to person, but as long as you're washing your face with a refreshing and gentle cleanser, moisturizing with a hydrating face cream and applying your SPF (yes, even indoors!), you'll be set for the day. And for mid-day refreshers, we love to keep a Rejuvenating Mist by our computer to spritz whenever our skin feels a little dry from the heater. 

Eye Care

Between 24/7 screen time, eye strain and the dry air emitted from our heaters, your eyes (and the sensitive skin around them) are taking a serious beating. 
Since the eye area requires extra TLC, we're making sure to focus our energy on it by applying our favourite eye cream (AM and/or PM) and rehydrating with eye-drops when needed. Let's play a game: Every time you squint or rub your eyes, you have to apply eye cream (just kidding - your skin would be slathered by now). The areas near and around your eyes are thin and delicate. So whenever you are about to touch your skin, be extra gentle with it as harsh physical motions like rubbing and itching have been linked to early signs of ageing.

Beyond that, we're going to try practicing healthy screen time by taking small breaks or intervals. Little improvements can make big differences!


If you're anything like us and view the glass half full then you understand that everything gets better in time. Until then, practicing daily routines, making time for your well-being and taking necessary breaks to recharge will make that transformation easier. So you forgot to wash your face last night before bed - go easy on yourself. If something is compelling you to rock a face mask in the middle of the day, slather on Mask and move on. Now is certainly not the time to be so rough with ourselves. After all, why would you want to spend your precious energy beating yourself up? 

Our last 2021 resolution is to practice patience. While it sounds like a simple feat, there is certainly more to it than meets the eye. If you do not have the capacity (mentally, physically, emotionally) to follow every step of your usual skincare regimen, start with what you can handle. Maybe you remembered to apply SPF this morning or perhaps you consciously chose not to pop that pimple. In time, it will become easier to take on more until you're 100% again. With a little bit of patience and perseverance, we'll all get through this and come out on top. 

Farewell, 2020 - Cheers to 2021! What New Year's resolutions have you set? Let us know in the comments below.


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