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A Glow Getters Holiday Gift Guide

A Glow Getters Holiday Gift Guide
By Ann Marie MacDonald and Elizabeth Lista

It's beginning to feel a lot like the holiday season and the pressure to find the perfect gifts for our loved ones has hit us hard. That's why we asked the President and Director of Communications and Operations of Miracle 10 to put together their ultimate gift-guide. A guide to surviving the next few weeks of shopping mayhem. And boy did they deliver💁‍♀️ From last-minute shoppers, down to the men in your life - we've got you covered!

Gifting skincare can be pretty difficult to pull off, especially if you don't have intel on their skin type. What are your tips for giving the gift of healthy skin?

Elizabeth: It so true! But isn’t all gifting so hard? It’s surprising how many messages I get from people saying they want to try a new product but just can’t find the time to make that investment for themselves (or can’t justify it financially). There are so many people in this boat! Wish list gifts AND essentials are great for gift giving. If you know someone is a die-hard Retinol fan it can be a really nice gesture to gift it – one less thing they have to remember to buy or dig into their wallet to get. This year, I’m recommending Hand Treatment, Body Silk, Rejuvenating Mist, and Botanical Oil as gifts for all skin-types. Super easy to give and very well received!  

What about all the men in our lives? Will dad actually appreciate the gift of skincare? 

Ann: I think so, yes. So many of my girlfriends are annoyed because their husbands are stealing their skincare! Men as just as invested in skincare as we are... they just talk about it less! I’d recommend anything from the men’s collection, plus Hand Treatment and Retinol for men this season. They may not think they need a little Retinol, but they'll thank you later!🙏

In the midst of shopping for everyone else, it's super easy to forget about treating yourself this Holiday season. What habits do you make time for to help wind-down during the busiest season of the year?

Elizabeth: I get really stressed out in December. Work and social responsibilities combine to create a nuclear-meltdown level of stress for me. I’m being a touch dramatic but I do find December and that holiday/end of the year crunch really challenging! I’ve implemented a few strategies that help with my stress level: I’ve learned to say “no” to a lot of things I normally would be obligated to do or attend. And then my husband and I schedule in a mask + Netflix and wine night. For whatever reason, seeing my husband apply Mask (or basically any skincare product) makes me laugh so hard😂 He’s so earnest and cute about it and I can really see how pumped he is about that after mask glow! He's in construction and puts basically zero effort into any kind of self-care so maybe this is why I find it so funny? It’s become this super fun and nice way for us to connect. Who knew Mask could bring a couple together like that!  

We're all dying to know, Ann, what's on your holiday wish list?

Ann: I don’t have anything on my l wish list aside from spending time with my family and beautiful grandchildren! I bought a few pieces from Burberry at our last Master Class event so I’m all set. I’ve added Hand Treatment and Platinum Cleanser to my list for all my friends and family. I hope they aren’t reading this!🤐  

Surprise! I'm reading this blog literally 1 week before the Holidays... Quick! The best last-minute gift anyone would love... go!

Ann: Hand Treatment, anything else from the Body Collection, Cleansers and Rich Moisture! Easy products that require no explanation!  

Elizabeth: Oh, and Mask. It also happens to pair perfectly with Malivoire’s Moira Pinot Noir (they are a Canadian winery making insanely tasty wines)😏

Black Friday is coming!!! This is such a big sale for our clients and we are so excited to see what everyone stocks up on! It’s a great opportunity to shop our Holiday Gift Guide at 30% off🙌


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