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Ann's 2022 Skincare Goals


As we wrap up the first week of January, we're welcoming nothing but positive intentions for the new year. And who better to share their 2022 goals than from the OG Glow Getter, herself! From her top skincare tips to her favourite non-surgical treatments, we spoke with President Ann Marie to gather the inside scoop on her skincare resolutions.

Hi, Ann and happy New Year! We've got to ask: How are you updating your skincare routine in 2022?

Ann: As soon as the weather changes, I notice that my skin needs more of a hydration boost. Dipping temperatures and a deep freeze blast from the arctic vortex wreak havoc on my skin. I notice dry flaky patches and overall areas of dehydration. I reach for Enzyme to mix with my Cleanser I at night to gently and delicately exfoliate the dry patches. I immediately apply either Night or Rich Moisture to seal the natural hydrating factors in the skin and this helps prevent dry patches from developing. Whenever possible remember to cover exposed areas of your skin with a scarf to help prevent moisture loss on those bitterly cold and windy winter days. 

We can definitely relate. This winter chill is no joke! It's already been 1 week into 2022 and it feels like time is flying. Are you focusing on any new skincare goals this year?

Ann: I’ve recently been noticing areas of hyperpigmentation and I’ve realized that it’s important to address these early signs quickly before the hyperpigmentation settles too deeply into the skin's layers. I’ll be stepping up a routine of Renewal Complex to gently exfoliate the skin combined with Super C to address the areas of hyperpigmentation. 

That's a great tip! How about your favourite skincare treatments. Are there any non-surgical procedures that are on your radar this year?

Ann: I’m going to book a few treatments over at MD Beauty Clinic in the winter months for the Lumecca IPL to treat these early signs of hyperpigmentation. This is a quick and easy treatment with no downtime that will quickly take care of any emerging areas of sun damage. 

Forma skin tightening is another non-surgical procedure that I’m very excited to try. It is the go-to treatment to treat skin laxity and fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps improve the production of collagen and elastin which helps to firm and tighten the skin. The radio-frequency-based treatment is a comfortable experience that leaves a wonderful glow to the skin; the results of which continue for several months as new collagen and elastin are stimulated!

Those treatments sound amazing! Definitely going on our wishlist. Last but not least, what are your top skincare tips for those new to skincare looking to rejuvenate their complexion?

Ann: For anyone new to Miracle 10 or any skincare regime in general, I always advise starting a routine with 3 easy steps:

Step 1: 

Wash your face at the end of the day. We’re often asked is it really necessary to wash your face every night before bed. The answer is a resounding yes. Washing your face every night allows you to remove the layers of pollution and dirt that can settle on your skin during the day; it removes residues of makeup that you have applied in the morning and it removes dead skin cells that are pushed to the surface of the skin as a result of your skin’s daily metabolism. 

Step 2:

Apply a gentle exfoliator to help remove surface layers of dead skin cells. This results in glowing, healthy skin and promotes the development of new skin cells. It also helps clear the skin of debris which can often cause blemishes and pimples and it helps deal with sun damage and hyperpigmentation.

Step 3:

Apply a good moisturizer appropriate for your skin type. Even oily skin/acne-prone skin types often need a moisturizer and our Miracle 10 Veil moisturizer is a must-have for these skin types.

I usually recommend the same routine in the morning with the addition of SPF 30 every day, all year round.

Once you’ve established a consistent skincare routine I recommend adding booster products to your regimen to address specific issues you may be having. For example, everyone can benefit from using a retinol product. This ingredient is proven effective both as a treatment for acne as well as ageing; reducing fine lines and wrinkles and improving the overall health of the skin!


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